Saturday, February 22, 2014

These Past Several Months

It has been a busy few months! 

Cantonese language training continues. Some days are more difficult than others but most days I still can't believe this is what I get to do everyday. It's really amazing, but so challenging. 

In other news, we're having a baby! That has made the language learning that much more fun (baby brain is no joke. The number of things I forget these days is staggering). 

So quick recap:
November was nice. We weren't able to go home for Thanksgiving but we were able to spend it with friends here in DC. Scott also made a turkey for the first time and it turned out great. Sadly, the pregnancy has really affected my appetite and I couldn't eat any of the leftovers :( 

December was chilly. This winter in DC has been rough (compared to the past two years at least when it hardly snowed). I lost count of the number of "snow days" I've had off work, and winter isn't even over.  We also spent Christmas here with just the two of us and the dogs (our last as just a couple!). I was able to go to Colorado for a few days between Christmas and New Years which was nice. Scott wasn't able to get off work to go which was too bad 

January was also chilly.  More than chilly, ridiculously cold is more correct. As for New Years, it was the first time since I was a child that I didn't make it midnight. I fell asleep in our new rocker/recliner (baby-related purchase) and Scott woke me up at midnight.  Yup, this baby is not even here yet and I'm already pretty lame. Haha. Scott was supposed to go to Colorado for a quick visit but his parents ended up using the tickets to come see us instead, which was nice. 

As nice as things have been, the pregnancy has not been an easy road. Almost since we first found out we were expecting there has been one complication or another. It's a long story that I will post another time. But even with all these issues our baby boy is healthy and strong and might be gracing us with his presence soon!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the baby! On the plus side, you get bigger housing than your rank deserves if you strategically have children before going overseas. Well played.
