Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Take it, Leave it, Store it?

The question of the day: do we take this item, leave it here (sell it, donate it, whatever), or send it to storage for the foreseeable future? Thanks to this line of thinking, our house is in utter disarray.

It has been hot here. Really hot. 90+. Now most of the time that is not really a big deal, but in a house that has no A/C (and possibly no insulation), that is really hot. Usually we can get our house to be between 5 and 10 degrees cooler than outside, which is not saying much. And then add the humidity. Needless to say, its very difficult to get the motivation to do anything inside the house when its that warm.

We should have buckled down and worked on packing this morning before the heat really took over but I just could not get moving. So Scott worked on the computer and I watched a movie and went through the rest of my clothes in the one room that does have a window air conditioner - our bedroom. I only ventured out to get more clothes or put them away.

However, after realizing that we did not accomplish enough on our precious day off together (one of the few we have left) we decided it was time to just put a few things in order for the future pack out. Instead we attacked the living room, dining room, and office. It may not sound like much but that is at least 60-70% of our possessions. I found myself parting with things that nine months ago I was sure I needed in my life. I imagine that in the near future I will find myself doing this again. We want to downsize but at the same time there is no reason to get rid of everything just because we don't want to take it overseas.

We have some heirloom dishes, antiques, Chinese artifacts, and various other items that are not going to make it if we haul them around the world. But really, there is no reason we can't just put them in storage and leave them for years if need be. Its funny, but Scott and I have attached different meanings to different items which makes it difficult for us to let them go. For instance, there is a painting I absolutely love that we bought from an artist in France. Scott feels bad about the painting because he feels that he haggled with the artist to harshly while I love it because it was so difficult bringing it home without it getting ruined. For these separate reasons we will not let it go. It is an interesting time for us actually; learning what certain objects mean to the other person.

We did take a break to go see a fireworks display but a thunderstorm shut it down. Sorry about that Ohio. The 4th of July rain apparently followed us from Colorado this year. Instead we hung out with our friends for about an hour and then returned home to continue the packing. It is now 1am and we are calling it a night.

In other news, we had a wonderful 4th of July on the 3rd and Scott set off all kinds of fireworks with some people from our church softball team. I have some great pictures I will try to put up if the heat doesn't chase me out of the office. Tomorrow we venture to Canton to run some errands we cannot accomplish in this small town and visit with a friend we haven't seen since we were last in Colorado!

Its crazy. I have about a week and a half left here. I feel like I have so much to do and that I am walking  into a future I don't really know anything about. Should be quite the trip!

Happy 4th (now 5th, sorry!) of July!

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